Nurse Training and Courses at ScotNursing

Enhancing Nursing Skills with In-House Training

At ScotNursing, we provide a robust in-house training program tailored specifically for nurses and carers. Our commitment extends to offering free training for contracted staff and support, crucial for revalidation.

Our focus is on enhancing nursing and care competencies , with particular emphasis on annual mandatory training for nurses and nurse training.

Diverse Course Offerings for Professional Development

Our course portfolio includes key areas like Moving and Handling, Venepuncture, and Medication Administration. We also offer bespoke training, designed for individual care packages, encompassing the essentials of annual mandatory training and specific training required to work with the specific client.

Contact and Support

For any inquiries regarding our training programs, contact us via contact page. or current staff can send a training enquiry through our SNMS in Your Pocket App

0330 056 8877

Our team is ready to assist with any questions.

Why Choose ScotNursing for Nurse and Carer Training?

Choosing ScotNursing means current both online and practical training, learning from experienced instructors. We’re dedicated to fostering the professional growth of our staff.

Tailored Training for Complex Nursing & Care Needs

We understand the diverse needs of all our clients. Our courses are crafted to cater to the needs of all of our clients. These varied requirements cover Tracheostomy and Ventilation to Epilepsy training, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience and most importantly ensuring the specific needs of the client.

FAQs about Nurse Training at ScotNursing & Medical Services

Are ScotNursing’s Training Programs of Good Quality?
Absolutely. ScotNursing’s training programs are recognised for their high quality and comprehensive curriculum, designed to meet the evolving needs of the nursing and care profession.

What types of courses are available at ScotNursing?
A wide range, from basic skills to advanced practices.

How does ScotNursing support nurses with revalidation?
Through continuous training and professional development programs.

Can I tailor my training according to my specialisation?
Yes, our courses are adaptable to specific nursing fields.

How can I enrol in ScotNursing’s nurse training programs?
Once joined you are able to access our training provision.

Got questions?

Give us a call today or send us a message online via our contact page.

0330 056 8877